Noelle Marie - Bitten értékelés
Minden azzal kezdődik, hogy Katherine az osztálytársnői unszolására megnézi az elhagyatott Miller Roadon levő házat… az éjszaka kellős közepén…amiről mindenféle horror történeteket hallani. Barátnője, Abby bátorítja is, vele is tart. A baj hamar be is következik, négy lábon érkezik, és észveszejtően kék szemei vannak. Ezután Katherine-t megharapja egy farkas, és menet közben elveszíti fél pár cipőjét…juuuj.
Telnek a napok, és kisebb-nagyobb változásokat vesz magán észre. Ráadásul folyton az a kék szempár jár a fejében… És egyre nagyobb vágyat érez a nyers hús iránt.
Valamint sokkal atletikusabb és energetikusabb lett.
Felgyorsulnak az események, és Katherine élete veszélyben van, vadásznak rá, így otthon a szüleit és Bradet – az akkori osztálytársát, akit áthívott vacsorára – megtámadják. (Ők a Hunterek,/Vadászok akik pont az olyanokra vadásznak, mint Katherine. )
Így nincs más kiút, csak a menekülés. Egy elhagyatott benzinkúton azonban hiába vár segítséget, és úgy tűnik mindennek vége, viszont rejtélyes idegenek sietnek a megmentésére.
Autóban utazva tér magához a lány, és kiderül, hogy ugyanaz a kék szempár vezeti ezt az autót, mint amit a támadása éjszakáján látott a Miller Roadon. És Iowából Kanadába tartanak. Mert ott van a bázisuk, csak azért voltak Katherine városában, mert nyomoztak.
Csakhamar kiderül, hogy ez a csapat egy farkas falka, és most már Katherine is közéjük tartozik… A rejtélyes falkavezér, aki a kék szemek birtoklója pedig nem más, mint Bastian Prince.
Vele van még a húga, Sophie Prince, Markus, ő a béta a csapatban, vagyis Bastian helyettese, aztán Caleb és végül Zane zárja a sort.
Nem indul zökkenőmentesen a kapcsolatuk a lánnyal, mert Katherine minden lehetséges alkalmat megragad az elején, hogy elszökjön. Viszont az idő most is elrendezi a dolgot, végül megbarátkozik a gondolattal, hogy már ő is idetartozik. Mondjuk nagyban hozzájárul az a tény is ehhez, hogy ő úgy tudja, a szülei végül meghaltak abban a támadásban, pedig nem... ( szerintem ez majd később még elő fog jönni)
Katherine speciális iskolába kezd el járni, ahova más farkas falka tagjai - vagy éppen arra várnak, hogy valamelyik falka tagjai lehessenek - és ott fejlesztik a képességét, és tanulnak a farkasok kultúrájáról.
Itt átvált tipikus amerikai középiskolás témába a történet, rögtön akad egy kibírhatatlan lány, aki figyelmezteti Katherine-t, hogy tartsa magát távol a pasijától, Rip Briggstől. Holott ő semmit sem akar a fiútól, de az meg persze direkt nyomul... -.-" Megismerkedik osztálytársával, Melanie-val, valamint még Mack, Jon, Agnes, Nathaniel, és Leander is odajár.
Ráadásul még kiderül az is, hogy nem biztos, hogy túléli az első átváltozást...
Meg hát eléggé szkeptikusan áll ehhez az egész farkasos dologhoz. :-D
Meg hát eléggé szkeptikusan áll ehhez az egész farkasos dologhoz. :-D
Végül pont az árulja el Bastainékat, akire nem számított volna: Cain, a nagybátyja áll a gyilkosságok mögött...
Imádtam! Minden a csodaszép borítójával kezdődött, tudtam, hogy meg kell vennem *-* Izgalmas történet volt, olvastatta magát.
Már megvettem a 2. részét is, mert kíváncsi vagyok a folytatásra.
A sorozat következő része a Shy.
Itt ingyen elérhető a Bitten,
itt pedig 2.99 font a Shy e-könyv változata!
"The full moon was out, its natural glow acting as her guide in the otherwise dark of night."
"Truth was, Katherine had always been just a little bit uncomfortable with the presence of the house at the end of Miller Road. That’s not to say she believed the numerous horror stories about the place – not in the least. It was something else. Some strange, deep-rooted feeling of something – uneasiness maybe – filled her whenever she thought of the old, decaying house and as such, she had always adamantly refused to go whenever her best friend had tried to nag her into tagging along with the rest of the neighborhood gang."
"It had been three days since she had been attacked by that wolf on Miller Road, and she doubted she would be forgetting the incident anytime soon."
"Every night since the attack, the intense blue eyes of the dark wolf had haunted her sleep."
"Blue Eyes, who Katherine had discerned was the leader of this pack – group, she corrected herself fiercely – sighed at the question. As if answering it was somehow a huge bother. „Canada,” he said shortly. Canada?"
"Born werewolves are those who are born with the gene. It's recessive, so both parents must be werewolves for the child to be one as well. Changed werewolves are humans born without the gene, but who've exchanged fluids with a werewolf during a full moon."
„Exchanged fluids?” Katherine questioned incredulously, a dark pink slowly staining her cheeks.
„Being bitten,” Caleb quickly explained, „is usually how it happens.” Oh. Katherine fought the blush off her face.
„People aren't changed often,” Sophie immediately assured her from her seat. She turned, and Katherine was forced to meet her cerulean eyes.
„And even when someone is bitten, it usually-”
„Stop,” Bastian immediately demanded, and the blonde did, but she continued to gaze at Katherine like she wanted to say more."
"A pack can be anywhere from two to a couple dozen wolves," he immediately protested. „As long as, of course, they have an alpha. Bastian is our alpha.” He nodded towards the blue-eyed man. „Markus is our beta, or second-in-command.” He pointed towards the man in question. „There’s also Sophie, who’s Bastian’s sister.” He gestured towards the blonde. “And Caleb, who you’re stuck sharing the backseat with.” He paused for a moment. “Oh, and my name's Zane by the way.”
"I’m sorry,” Katherine squealed. “I’m sorry!”
“I’m not sure if I believe you” he teased, bringing the snowball back behind his head as if to throw it down. Katherine had resigned herself to a face full of snow when at the last second, he changed his trajectory, hurling the sludge at a nearby tree. Chuckling at her slack-jawed expression, Bastian released her arms."
"For the next week, kissing Bastian was all Katherine could think about. The feeling of his lips pressed against hers – the heat of his body as it enveloped her own – haunted her every waking thought."
"She could sit there with Bastian, trying to picture her inner wolf until kingdom come and she was convinced that absolutely nothing would come of it. It didn’t help that whenever she thought of her wolf form, she thought of Bastian’s wolf form. Which, of course, led her to thinking of Bastian. Which led her to thinking about, well… the kiss.
“I can tell you aren’t focused,” she heard the man mutter from where she knew he sat, cross-legged on a snow-covered stump in front of her."
"Before the last sentence had even fully left her mouth, Bastian was changing. In a nearly instantaneous blur, the man stood in the space that the wolf just was. And, of course, he was as naked as the day he was born. N-A-K-E-D."
"Katherine was flabbergasted. “Bastian?” she asked nervously.
“You just don’t get it!” he exploded, revealing his face, tears in his eyes as he stared her down. “I almost lost you!”
"Truth was, Katherine had always been just a little bit uncomfortable with the presence of the house at the end of Miller Road. That’s not to say she believed the numerous horror stories about the place – not in the least. It was something else. Some strange, deep-rooted feeling of something – uneasiness maybe – filled her whenever she thought of the old, decaying house and as such, she had always adamantly refused to go whenever her best friend had tried to nag her into tagging along with the rest of the neighborhood gang."
"It had been three days since she had been attacked by that wolf on Miller Road, and she doubted she would be forgetting the incident anytime soon."
"Every night since the attack, the intense blue eyes of the dark wolf had haunted her sleep."
"Blue Eyes, who Katherine had discerned was the leader of this pack – group, she corrected herself fiercely – sighed at the question. As if answering it was somehow a huge bother. „Canada,” he said shortly. Canada?"
"Born werewolves are those who are born with the gene. It's recessive, so both parents must be werewolves for the child to be one as well. Changed werewolves are humans born without the gene, but who've exchanged fluids with a werewolf during a full moon."
„Exchanged fluids?” Katherine questioned incredulously, a dark pink slowly staining her cheeks.
„Being bitten,” Caleb quickly explained, „is usually how it happens.” Oh. Katherine fought the blush off her face.
„People aren't changed often,” Sophie immediately assured her from her seat. She turned, and Katherine was forced to meet her cerulean eyes.
„And even when someone is bitten, it usually-”
„Stop,” Bastian immediately demanded, and the blonde did, but she continued to gaze at Katherine like she wanted to say more."
"A pack can be anywhere from two to a couple dozen wolves," he immediately protested. „As long as, of course, they have an alpha. Bastian is our alpha.” He nodded towards the blue-eyed man. „Markus is our beta, or second-in-command.” He pointed towards the man in question. „There’s also Sophie, who’s Bastian’s sister.” He gestured towards the blonde. “And Caleb, who you’re stuck sharing the backseat with.” He paused for a moment. “Oh, and my name's Zane by the way.”
"I’m sorry,” Katherine squealed. “I’m sorry!”
“I’m not sure if I believe you” he teased, bringing the snowball back behind his head as if to throw it down. Katherine had resigned herself to a face full of snow when at the last second, he changed his trajectory, hurling the sludge at a nearby tree. Chuckling at her slack-jawed expression, Bastian released her arms."
"For the next week, kissing Bastian was all Katherine could think about. The feeling of his lips pressed against hers – the heat of his body as it enveloped her own – haunted her every waking thought."
"She could sit there with Bastian, trying to picture her inner wolf until kingdom come and she was convinced that absolutely nothing would come of it. It didn’t help that whenever she thought of her wolf form, she thought of Bastian’s wolf form. Which, of course, led her to thinking of Bastian. Which led her to thinking about, well… the kiss.
“I can tell you aren’t focused,” she heard the man mutter from where she knew he sat, cross-legged on a snow-covered stump in front of her."
"Before the last sentence had even fully left her mouth, Bastian was changing. In a nearly instantaneous blur, the man stood in the space that the wolf just was. And, of course, he was as naked as the day he was born. N-A-K-E-D."
"Katherine was flabbergasted. “Bastian?” she asked nervously.
“You just don’t get it!” he exploded, revealing his face, tears in his eyes as he stared her down. “I almost lost you!”
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