Jean Oram - Vodka and Chocolate Drops értékelés

Bluberry Springsben semmi sem marad titokban… 
Amber élete merő káosz. Szó szerint. Nem elég, hogy az író pasija a könyv megjelenésekor faképnél hagyja, és hogy ő a könyve főszereplője, de kiderül, hogy akit eddig az apjának hitt, valójában nem is az… [ja és van egy nővére, akit az anyukája örökbe adott] Scott, Amber mindenkori legjobb barátja tartja benne a lelket, ő meg közli, hogy elhagyja a várost… [plusz kezd többet érezni nála, mint puszta barátság, és ezt hanyatt-homlok próbálja bebizonyítani a fiúnak… ]

Ráadásul itt mindig mindenki mindent tud. Pletykásokkal van teli a város. 
Amber elhatározza, hogy nyomozni kezd az apja után, de minél inkább beleássa magát a dolgokba, annál több titok kerül elő… 
Könnyed, laza olvasmány, igazi chick lit ;-) 
Nagyon helyes volt Scott, igazi jófiús rendőr, aki védi a környéket, és legfőképp Ambert. Drukkoltam, hogy ugyan jöjjenek már össze… ;-)
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Ez a kötet a Bluberry Springs sorozat 5. része, ami önálló kötetként is megállja a helyét. Sorban a címek:
Whiskey and Gumdrops (Book 1)
Rum and Raindrops (Book 2)
Eggnog and Candy Canes (Book 3)
Sweet Treats (Book 4)
Vodka and Chocolate Drops (Book 5)
Tequila and Candy Drops (Book 6)
Companion novel: Champagne and Lemon Drops 

                                                                           * * * *
Az írónő egy ingyenes novellával ( The Promise)  is kedveskedik az olvasóinak, mindössze csak fel kell iratkozni a hírlevelére, amelyet a linkre kattintva érhettek el.

                                                                     * * * *

Idézetek a Vodka & Chocolate Drops könyvből: 

“Um…” “Why is there a backhoe?” Scott squeezed his forehead with his thumb and index finger as though trying to push away a headache. “Please tell me you didn’t do any of the things I’m thinking you did.” Amber gave her friend a pleading look. „It was an accident. I swear.”


“Amber,” Scott said softly, his jaw working, his brow drawn low, “I have to know that you’re done with this stint of revenge. That you won’t hurt Russell. That you’re safe.”


“It’s chocolate therapy time, honey. I’m not sure with that testosterone of yours that you’re equipped for this.”


“Everyone’s read the book, haven’t they?” It had been out a mere twenty-four hours and Amber had had a ton of texts and phone calls about it from people in town. So far, she had ignored every single one of them. 
“He got me all wrong.” “You read it?” 
“Of course. I have to know what I’m defending,” Amber said. “It wasn’t that bad. He got your charm right, I think.” 
“You read it?” Ugh. There were scenes in there she definitely didn’t want her mother reading. 
“Yes, and I brought you chocolate drops.” She pulled a cellophane package out of her shoulder bag and set it on the table. Which meant the book was that bad. Although the chocolate could also be a sympathy gift due to her recent breakup, or for the accidental recreational vehicle manslaughter."


“Scott?” Amber tapped his shoulder and he popped out of the bush, fumbling his radar gun. “Amber, never sneak up on an on-duty officer. I’m armed and trained to kill.” “Right. So? When were you going to tell me you’re leaving?”


"Wait. He was a family man. That meant Amber had half siblings. In the period of a few days she had gone from an only child to having several siblings. It was a good thing she was sitting down already, otherwise she would probably have needed a chair."


"Amber wanted to be like her mother and seize the day, jump on the offered unicorn of dreams and ride it over the rainbow and into the sunset. But she couldn’t. It would mean not thinking about the impact on her mother. Being an adult sucked."


"She was thinking of him again. Why did every thought seem to act like a Scott-magnetized boomerang these days? It went out into the world perfectly fine, but always turned midflight and landed at Scott’s wonderful size eleven feet."


“Scott? Are you home?” Silly question. Of course he was. He was one of the few people in Blueberry Springs who locked their doors when not home. If it was unlocked, he was home. 
“Ever heard of an invention called a doorbell?” The groggy voice came from the living room couch. Scott sat up looking adorably disheveled—if indeed a cranky man the size of a bear could be called adorable."


"You can’t leave Blueberry Springs.” Amber felt desperate, but she sucked in her courage, placing her hands on her hips to show she meant business. Scott looked up from his desk, a mechanical pencil poised between his large fingers. 
“That’s something I normally say to people who are part of an ongoing investigation.” 
“In the name of love, I am telling you not to leave town.”


“Amber Lynn Thompson.” Scott got down on one knee, presenting a ring box from his pocket. “Will you marry me?” Amber fell to her knees in front of him, her hands wrapped around his, keeping the box closed. They stared at each other for a long moment. 
“Are you certain?” 
“Me? Forever?” she whispered. (…) 
“Yes, Scott Malone. I would be more than honored to be, forever, your loving wife.” 
“That was even better than the yes I was hoping for.”



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