Elisa S. Amore - Touched értékelése

„What are you willing to sacrifice when the only person who can save you is the same one who has to kill you?”

Imádtam! Igaz, már nincsenek akkora hatással rám ezek a történetek, mint mondjuk 10 éve, de azért faltam a lapokat rendesen. 
A könyvet a borítója miatt vettem meg *-* Nekem teljesen a Fallen sorozat borítója jutott róla eszembe. Végül is nem jártam olyan messze az igazságtól, mert itt is angyalokról volt szó, csak most a halál angyalai voltak jelen.
De Patch/Folt is eszembe jutott *-*

Gemma sorsa, mint mindenki másé, előre meg van írva. És az ő ideje lejárt. Evan jön is érte, ám megtorpan és nem képes őt a halálba taszítani, helyette az utolsó pillanatban megmenti.
Különös kapcsolat alakul ki közöttük, ám sokszor a lány már maga sem tudja, mi a valóság és mi nem. Peter, Gemma legjobb barátja gyűlöli Evant, ám őt ez sem zavarja. 
Evannak van két testvére, Drake és Simon, valamint velük él Ginevra, aki egy erős boszorkány. 

Néhány kérdés nyitva maradt előttem: pl. ha Gemma halandó, akkor miért képes látni azt, amit elvileg nem láthatna? Bár lehet, hogy ez majd a későbbiek folyamán fog kiderülni.

Úgy gondolom, megérte azt a 3 fontot, amibe a könyv került. Folytatni fogom ezt a sorozatot, és bízom benne, hogy a további részei is lesznek legalább ennyire jók. 


"I’d had dozens of ‘book boyfriends,’ crushes on characters in novels, but he was real and besides, he was Peter."


"At first glance, our group might have looked like a clique in which everyone had found their other half. Jeneane Whitney and Faith Nichols often flirted with Brandon Rice, a blond guy with brown eyes, and Jake Wallace, dark-haired with piercing eyes. They were both jocks and had athletic physiques. The four of them weren’t really couples, actually, but saying they were just friends would be the understatement of the century."


"I chose the Lana Del Rey folder and turned the volume all the way up. Her voice could carry me far away, delving into my soul and revealing things I didn’t know about myself. Music was my life, along with books."


"I crossed my legs and rummaged through my backpack, looking for a book. I always brought at least two with me. I’d sought the company of books ever since I was a little girl. I pulled out Divergent by Veronica Roth in an attempt to distract myself from those unsettling thoughts. I had a not-so-secret crush on Four, the main male character."


"Evan James. Enchanted, I found myself whispering his name in my mind."


"You're eating all that by yourself? Evan's voice came back to haunt me. I froze in confusion, then shook my head, deciding to ignore it. I distractedly cracked open a can of soda and took a sip, but it almost fell out of my hands when I heard his voice echo in my mind again. 
I mean it, I think it's a bit much for just one person."


"So do you always refuse to talk to strangers, or does that rule apply only to me?” he asked, teasing."


"What? What won’t you be able to avoid?” I asked, unsteadily finding my voice again. Evan looked torn, as though struggling to decide whether or not to answer me. 
“You’ll be next.”


"I’ve never been more serious in my life. I’m going to find out what they’re hiding. Nothing’s going to stop me.” Hearing how solemnly he spoke, I rolled my eyes, relieved that he couldn’t see me. 
“And don’t roll your eyes at me!” he snapped, making my jaw drop."


"I was starting to think death was pursuing me."


"Evan grew serious again and stared blankly at the floor. “I don’t know where to begin,” he admitted, looking uneasy for the first time. “What do you think?” he asked with exasperating sweetness, but on his face I saw a look of fear as he waited for my answer."


"I’m an Angel, Gemma.” His voice caressed my name so sweetly that my heart prevented my reason from fully grasping his solemn confession. Evan stroked the back of my hand, encouraging me to respond. He was probably afraid my mind would get lost in the darkness again, but for the first time I wasn’t upset by his confession. Part of me, as though it had always suspected it, told me it couldn’t be any other way. “Does it shock you?” he asked gently, concerned by my silence."


"But you can eat,” I said. “You ate blueberry crumble when you came to the diner.” He smiled. “That was an excuse to see you, Gemma,” he admitted with a sensual smile. “Besides,” he said, grinning at Ginevra, “she eats enough for all of us.”


"Before I met you, I thought I had everything, but then I realized I had nothing."


"Aren’t you afraid I’m too old for you?” he said, laughing, turning forward again to look at the maple tree we were heading toward. 
“At this point, I’m not afraid of anything any more!” I said sardonically. 
“Oh-ho! So we’ve become fearless, have we?” Evan said, smiling. As he waited for me to reply, he glanced my way, assessing my silence before saying: “I’m three hundred and nine.” My heart skipped a beat."

A liknre kattintva megvásárolható 3,09 font-ért Touched
A sorozat következő része az Unfaithful.


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