Susan Ee: The Angelfall Trilogy értékelés


09.16 – 09.21.  ★★★★☆

Az első rész kivégezve. Huh, elég ütős volt, legalábbis nekem. Brrr…
Hat héttel azután vagyunk, mikor az angyalok leigázták az emberek világát, és most a túlélés a cél…
Penryn és kishúga Paige, valamint anyjuk együtt küzd az életben maradásért, ám ez korántsem olyan egyszerű, mert Paige tolószékhez van kötve, anyja meg beteg, és kifogyott a gyógyszerekből. 
Egy nap angyalok keresztezik útjukat, és szemtanúi lesznek, ahogy lekaszabolják egy fehér angyal szárnyait… brrr… Penrynék véletlen magukra terelik a figyelmet, ezáltal megelőzve a további vérontást, de a húgát felkapják, és elrabolják…. Penryn magával viszi az ájult angyalt, és egy biztonságosnak tűnő irodaépületbe húzódnak be. Ki tudja miért, segít a sebeit ellátni, és türelmetlenül várja, hogy magához térjen, mert ő a térkép a húga elrablójához…

Az idézetek S P O I L E R T tartalmaznak

I have to blink to make sure it’s real. I’ve never seen an angel before, not live anyway. Of course, we’ve all seen the looping footage of golden-winged Gabriel, Messenger of God, being gunned down from the pile of rubble that was Jerusalem. Or the footage of angels plucking a military helicopter out of the sky and tossing it into the Beijing crowd, blade-first. Or that shaky video of people running from a blazing Paris with the sky filled with smoke and angelic wings.


I hear a weak laugh and realize it’s the angel. ‘You looked ridiculous with those wings,’ he says. His lip is bleeding and so is a cut above his eye. But he looks relaxed as his smile lights up his face.


When I open my eyes, the morning light makes me wish I hadn’t. Raffe lies on his sofa, watching me with those dark blue eyes. I swallow, suddenly feeling awkward and unkempt. Great. The world has come to an end, my mother is out there with the street gangs, crazier than ever, my sister has been kidnapped by vengeful angels, and I'm concerned that my hair is greasy and my breath smells bad.


‘Talkative, but talented. Who would have thought?’ I open my mouth to make a smartass comeback, then realize I’d only be proving his point, so I stay quiet, just to prove that I can.


‘So your blood must taste god-awful to ward off those things,’ I say. ‘Yes, that was a little weird, wasn’t it?’ ‘A little weird? That was freakin’ Bizarroville.’ He pauses and looks back at me. ‘Are you speaking English?’

‘Can I name your sword?’ ‘No.’ I pull out a pair of jeans that might fit and one sock. ‘Why not?’ ‘Already has a name.’ (...)
‘What is it?’ ‘Pooky Bear.’ His friendly face suddenly becomes serious. ‘You’re naming your collector’s-item, kick-ass sword that’s made to maim and kill, specifically designed to bring your ginormous enemies to their knees and hear the lamentation of their women – Pooky Bear?’



09.21 – 28. ★★★★☆

Ez a rész is Paige keresésével telt, Penryn megtudja, hogyan vált a kishúgából kvázi egy élő kannibál, és magát okolja érte. Anyja is őt hibáztatja. Bonyodalom bonyodalom hátán, és még több vérontás jellemezte ezt a részt. No meg skorpióangyalok… Brr. 
Raffe összefut a halottnak hitt Penrynnel, és megint összefognak: egyikük Paige-et, másikuk az ellopott szárnyát szeretné visszakapni.

He does a full evaluation of me, taking in the cut and curled hair accented with peacock feathers, the blue and silver makeup ribbons chasing around my eyes and cheekbones, the silky dress that clings to every part of my body. But it’s not until his eyes meet mine that a jolt of recognition passes between us.


No way can I have decent footwork limping around like this. So I do the only thing I can do. I kick him in the face point blank with my high heel. He wasn’t expecting that. The angel flies back off the stage. ‘It really is you,’ says Raffe.


I look up to say something but he puts his finger to my lips and whispers, ‘Don’t talk. You’ll just spoil my fantasy of rescuing an innocent damsel in distress as soon as you open your mouth.’


I’m fully out in the open now. I drop the jacket, step into a defensive stance, and lift my knife in front of me. Like the previous one, this angel smiles when he sees my blade. He’s up for more of a challenge than squashing an ant. At least this ant has a sharp knife and an attitude.



09.28- 09.30. ★★★★★

Azt kell mondjam, nagyon bad ass Penryn anyja :D Időnként még a sokkal veszélyesebb lények is megriadtak tőle :D Az ikrek is a kedvenceim lettek. Beliallal kapcsolatban vegyesek az érzéseim: tipikus gonoszkodó, de aztán kiderül, ő is tudott emberséges lenni, ha ez angyalként lehetséges. végül a sok rossz cselekedetét kiváltotta, de bele is halt. Paige olyan kis cuki, egyszerűen nem tudtam veszélyes fenevadként tekinteni rá. <3 Egyem is meg, hogy próbált tenni az új életvitele ellen inkább az éhezést választotta, mintsem a vérontást, nagy respect!

És hát Raffe *-* milyen kínokon ment keresztül a 3 könyvben… és hát, ha valaki, akkor ő igazán önzetlen! Amúgy csak nekem jutott eszembe a becenevéről a raffaello? XD

És az az igazi plusz pont, hogy San Franciscoban játszódott a történet. Bár nyilván fájt „átélni” a könyvben leírtakat. Brrr, bár azt hiszem, egy angyal – vagy bármilyen más – -apokalipszis egy városnak sem hiányzik a Földön…

Összegezve tetszett a történet, bár nekem túl erőszakos és véres volt. Mondjuk ilyen egy igazi apokalipszis… Bár azért volt benne sok vicces rész is, szóval jók voltak az arányok. A borító pedig varázslatos! *-*

We must be quite a sight. A cloud of scorpion-tailed, man-sized locusts blotting out the sky. And in the middle of it all, a demon with enormous wings carrying a teenage girl. At least, Raffe must look like a demon to anyone who didn’t know he was an archangel flying on borrowed wings. They probably think he kidnapped the girl he’s holding.


‘Aren’t you going to take that off?’ I shake the numbness out of my hands. ‘You look like red death on demon wings.’ ‘Good. That’s how every angel should look.’ 


‘Call me a sentimentalist, but I like the idea of you in one piece. Besides, she’s not the only one who might be interested in your tasty flesh.’ I tilt my head. ‘Who told you I was tasty?’ ‘Haven’t you heard that old saying? Tasty as a fool?’ ‘You made that up.’


‘Is this goodbye?’ I ask. He nods. We look into each other’s eyes. As usual, I have no idea what he’s thinking. I could make guesses, but they’d be fantasy. He leans down, and his lips hover a hair’s breadth from mine. I close my eyes, feeling the tingle of anticipation. Then he presses his lips to mine. His warmth spreads out from my lips down into my chest and stomach. Time stops, and I forget about everything else – the apocalypse, my enemies, watching eyes, monsters in the night.


All I feel is the kiss. All I am is Raffe’s girl. Then he pulls back. He presses his forehead to mine, and I can feel the prickling of tears behind my lashes.


‘Sure,’ says Flyer. ‘Maybe it’ll give us something to think about when we’re bored out of our minds for the next millennium. Who are you?’ ‘I’m . . .’ I’m hesitant to give them my name. Raffe said names have power. ‘I’m the angel slayer.’ It sounds kind of ridiculous now that I’ve said it. It sounded better in my head, but whatever. For a moment, they all stare at me. Then, as if on cue, they burst out laughing. 


She has seen me in the arms of a demon, or what she thinks is a demon. She has seen me pop out of Beliel, riding a creature from hell. She has seen me in the company of a group of tortured, half-skinned Fallen. And she just saw me kiss an angel. I couldn’t blame even a rational person for believing I was now deeply involved with the devil, or at least the enemy. I can’t even fathom what goes on in her head. This is a scenario she’s always feared, always warned me about. And here we are.


I pause, not sure how to end it. ‘This is Penryn Young, Daughter of Man, Killer of Angels.’ That phrase, Daughter of Man, will always remind me of my time with Raffe. Raffe, who will be hunting all of us tonight along with his buddies who I thought could be my friends too.


Raffe turns to me. It’s the first time I’ve seen his face look less than perfect. He’s squinting in pain and blinking rapidly. He came to help me. Through all the screaming noise and blinding lights, he came.


‘I’ve fulfilled my end of the bargain, Archangel,’ says the Pit lord. His burned wings sweep back and forth lazily in the air. ‘I saved your pitiful Daughter of Man and her family. Now it’s your turn.’


I glance over at Raffe for the hundredth time as I huddle with Pooky Bear beneath a coat that someone gave me. I’m shivering as if it’s zero degrees, and no matter how much I hug myself, I can’t get warm. I can barely see his dark hair blowing in the wind among all the Watchers and angels surrounding him.


‘Why don’t you want it?’ ‘I have better things to do.’ ‘Like what?’ He opens one eye and looks at me. ‘Like convince a stubborn girl to admit she’s madly in love with me.’


He stares deep into my eyes. It makes me squirm but also makes my heart flutter like a schoolgirl’s. Oh, wait. I am a schoolgirl. I blink a few times, wondering if that’s how I’m supposed to bat my eyelashes. ‘What are you doing?’ ‘What?’ Ugh. I suck at this. ‘Are you batting your lashes at me?’ ‘What, me? No, of course not.



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