Cassandra Clare – Maureen Johnson: A Deeper Love értékelés
OMG! Ez a borító valami csodaszépre sikeredett! *-* ❤ Ez az abszolút kedvenc!!!
Ebben a részben a második világháború tombol, bombázzák Londont, minden lángokban, így Tessa és Catarina önkénteskednek és a sebesülteket ápolják. (Catarina meg eleve ennek szentelte az életét, nem számít, hogy halandó, vagy alvilági, rá mindig lehet számítani)
Három év telt el, Will halála óta, de a hiánya űrként tátong Tessa szívében. :-( Ráadásul Jemmel is ritkán találkozik. (évente egyszer a Blackfriars hídnál)
Aztán egyik alkalommal egy csúnya sérülést szenvedett férfit hoznak be, akiről kiderül, hogy maga Zakariás Testvér! Tessa mindent félredobva rohan Catarinához segítséget kérve. Végig aggódtam, hogy ne fussanak ki az időből! De még ha ilyen rossz körülmények között is, de legalább találkoztak! <3 Olyan megható volt!
Ez a kedvenc részem idáig. ❤❤❤
Alább Spoiler!
Ez olyan szép jelenet volt:
"He caught her in his arms. He was a Silent Brother, a Grigori, a Watcher, barely human. And yet he felt human enough—his lean chest hot against her skin as she tilted her face up. His lips met hers, soft and so sweet it made her ache. It had been so many, many years, but this was still the same. Almost the same. I am not what I was."
További idézetek:
"I think first,” Catarina said, “lemon cake. Oh, lemons. I think I miss them most.”
Catarina Loss and Tessa Gray were walking down Ludgate Hill, just passing the Old Bailey. This was a game they sometimes played—what will you eat first when this war is over? Of all the terrible things that were going on, sometimes the most ordinary ran the deepest."
When Will died, Tessa had known there could be no place for her among the Shadowhunters. For a time it had seemed as if there was no place for her in all the world, with so much of her heart in the cold ground. Then Magnus Bane had taken Tessa into his home when she was almost mad with grief, and when Tessa slowly emerged, Magnus’s friends Catarina Loss and Ragnor Fell encircled her."
"You’re all right,” Tessa said, pulling back the blanket. “You’re all right now. You’re at hospital. You’re here at St. Bart’s…” It took her a moment to realize what she was seeing. The marks on his skin were not all wounds. And his face, though covered in soot and streaked with blood, was more familiar to her than her own."
"Tessa, Jem said, the echo deep inside her head like the memory of a bell ringing. Then he went limp. “Jem!” It couldn’t be. She seized at his hand, hoping she was dreaming—that the war had addled her sense of reality completely. But the slim, scarred hand in hers was familiar, even limp and without strength. This was Jem, her Jem, dressed in the bone-colored robes of a Silent Brother, the marks on his neck pulsing as his heart pumped furiously. His skin burned under her touch."
"Catarina,” Tessa said, “what is this? What’s happened to him?” “It looks to me like a cataplasm,” Catarina said quietly.
“It’s a rare belladonna concentrate with demon poison added in. Until I can get the antidote we need to try to keep it from spreading in his bloodstream, or at least slow it down. We’re going to tie some tourniquets, start cutting off blood flow.”
"Jem was—Jem. Exactly as he had been all those years ago, except for the marks of the Silent Brothers. He was Jem, the boy with the violin. Her Jem. Age had not consumed him, as it had her Will, but he might be taken from her all the same."
"She still couldn’t say the words Since Will died. Since that day she sat next to him on the bed and he drifted gently to sleep and never woke again. Jem had been there then, of course, but over the last three years she saw him less and less. They still met at Blackfriars Bridge, but otherwise he stayed away."
"His story is infamous. He ran from a battle and his fellow Shadowhunters were killed. “That is the story,” Catarina said.
“The reality was that Tobias was under a spell, made to believe that his wife and unborn child were in danger. He ran to help them. His fear was for their safety, but nevertheless, he broke the Law. When he could not be found, The Clave punished Tobias’s wife in his stead. They killed her, but not before I helped her birth the child. I enchanted her so that it appeared she was still with child when she was executed. In reality, she had a son. His name was Ephraim.”
"As she turned, she saw a folded note on the dresser that said TESSA. She opened it:
My Tessa,
There will be no separation between us. Where you are, I am. Where we are, Will is. Whatever else I may be, I remain always,
Your Jem"
"She had kissed him and clung to him. For one shining night, he had held her in his arms again. Tessa, Tessa, Tessa, he thought. She could never be his again, but he was hers forever. That was enough to live upon."
"She touched the jade pendant around her neck."
A kötet megvásárolható augusztus 14-től az Amazon oldalán is.
A következő rész megjelenése: Szeptember 11-én várható a The Wicked Ones címmel.
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