Cassandra Clare – Kelly Link: Learn About Loss értékelés

Ez a rész valahogy nem annyira fogott meg, mint az előzőek. 1936-ot írunk, október van, karnevál, és különös dolgok történnek. Például egy kisfiú elkezdi látni az addig számára láthatatlan lényeket... Így találkozik Zakariás Testvérrel is. 

Közben Zakariás Testvér Emilia Nővérrel karöltve keresi az adamantint. A furcsa dolgok mögött Belial áll, a pokol hercege, aki jól szórakozik. És a fent említett fém segítségével tette mindezt. Bár ő csak azt adta az arra járó embereknek, amire vágytak. Többnyire.  Végül Zakariás testvér és Emilia nővér hatására lemond a szórakozásról, és nem ijesztgeti tovább gyanútlan karneválozókat. A fiatal vasnővér megkéri Belialt, hogy a mágiája segítségével Jem újra láthassa egykori parabatai társát, Willt, akit nem régen vesztett el. Még ha csak egy illúzió erejéig is...
Ebben a részben megtudjuk, milyen humorral áldotta meg vagy épp fordítva a sors a Néma testvéreket. XD


"The sixth of October was a Friday. On Saturday, at least half the city of Chattanooga lit out for the carnival."


"There was a woman who said that she could speak with the dead, and asked no coin. There was a magician, too, Roland the Astonishing, who grew a dogwood tree from a seed on his stage and then caused it to flower, drop its leaves, and grow bare again as if all the seasons were passing in the blink of an eye."


"One tent was staffed by nurses so very lovely it wasn’t a chore at all to let them draw your blood. They took a cup or two, “for research purposes,” they said. And to those who donated, they gave away tokens that could be used elsewhere in the bazaar, just like money."


"But there were indications that this particular carnival was more than it seemed. For one thing, the Bazaar of the Bizarre was not just trinkets and gaudy junk. The Bazaar was a full-on Shadow Market. (…)"


"And there were indications, too, that there was an artifact made out of adamas in the hands of one who should not have had it. For this reason, on Thursday the twenty-ninth of October, a portal opened at Lookout Point, and two individuals who had only just met stepped through it unnoticed by any of the human sightseers gathered there. One was a young woman not yet fully invested as an Iron Sister, although already her hands showed the scars and calluses of one who worked adamas. Her name was Emilia, and this was the last task her Sisters had set her before she joined their company: to recover the adamas and bring it back to the Adamant Citadel. She had a smiling, watchful face, as if she liked the world but did not quite trust that it would be on its best behavior. Her companion was a Silent Brother who bore the runic marks on his face, although neither his eyes nor his mouth had been sewn shut."


"Sister Emilia, who could see Brother Zachariah quite plainly, thought he was one of the handsomest men she had ever seen."


"“Born and bred in California,” Sister Emilia said. “I grew up in the San Francisco Conclave.” Is San Francisco very like this? Brother Zachariah said."


"After nearly seventy years, Jem was almost used to this. Instead of music, he had this stern brotherly chorus. Once upon a time, he had imagined each of the Silent Brothers as a musical instrument. Brother Enoch, he’d thought, would be a bassoon heard through the high-up window of a desolate lighthouse, the waves crashing down at the base. Yes, yes, Brother Enoch had said. Very poetic. And what are you, Brother Zachariah?"


"“Do Silent Brothers have any kind of a sense of humor, or do they stitch that up too?” We collect knock-knock jokes, Jem said. She perked up. “Really? Do you have any favorites?” No, Jem said. That was a joke."


A kötet megvásárolható július 10-tól az Amazon oldalán is.

A következő rész megjelenése: augusztus 14-én várható A Deeper Love címmel. (Reményeim szerint ez egy jó rész lesz *-* legalábbis a borító nagyon szépre sikerült!)


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