Cassandra Clare - Maureen Johnson - Every Exquisite Thing értékelés
Kicsit elmaradtam az értékeléssel is, no de most pótolom itt is.
Vigyázat, S P O I L E R !
Ebben a részben Anna Lightwoodot ismerhetjük meg jobban. Ő Cecily és Gabriel Lightwood gyermeke. Titokban szeret eljárni otthonról, és járni London utcáit az éjszakában. Mindezt testvére, Christopher régebbi ruháiban. Ilyenkor érzi magát felhőtlenül, és nem kell megfelelnie a társadalmi elvárásoknak, és ilyenkor nem kell csinos női ruhakölteményben bájolognia. Titkon a szíve a női nemé, és magabiztosan jár-kell az éjszakában.
Egy nap Bridgestone Inkvizítor vacsorára hívja az egész Lightwood családot, ahol Anna találkozik Ariadne-val, akit örökbe fogadtak a vendéglátójuk. Eláll még a lélegzete is tőle. A szimpátia kölcsönös, Ariadne sem közömbös Anna iránt ;-) Egyből megkéri, hogy tréningezzenek együtt.
Egyik alkalommal egy démon támadás során Anna megsérül, de Ariadne biztosítja Zakariás Testvért, hogy a lány jó kezekben van, és hogy menjen a démon után…
a lányok romantikus estét töltenek együtt, de Anna hajnalban hazamegy, mert rossz szemmel néznék kettejük kapcsolatát :-(
Reggel első dolga Annának, hogy meglátogassa szerelmét, amikor összefut Charles Fairchilddal, és mint kiderült a házasság kérdését beszélték át Ariadne-val… Anna összeomlik, tudva, hogy nem lesz jövője szerelmüknek :-(
A szülei nagyon jól álltak hozzá, egy percig nem ingott meg a szeretetük és a támogatásuk felé! <3 Sőt, még kapott végül saját, méretre szabott fiús ruhákat is. :-) Minden gyermeknek ilyen szerető és gondoskodó szülőkre volna szüksége *-*
Ebben a részben Zakariás Testvér Tessa démon apja után próbál kutatni, mert Tessa aggódik gyermeke(i) különös képessége(i) miatt... Felbukkan még Ragnor Fell is. Van egy apró utalás Malcolmról, a szerelme elvesztése miatti szomorúságára ( itt még nem tudta az igazságot Annabelle-ről ->lsd Lady Midnight és Lord of Shadows)
"Christopher was over visiting the Institute and Uncle Henry, so he would be gone for hours. Her mother and father were both out in the park with her baby brother, Alexander."
"Anna’s room was so different from her brother’s. Her walls were papered in a dusty rose. There was a white lace coverlet, a pink vase with lilacs next to her bed."
"Anna stood before the mirror, examining the effect. The waistcoat flattened her chest a bit. She tugged it up and adjusted it until the fit was right. She rolled the legs of the trousers and knocked the hat down over her eye."
"She was no longer a gangly girl who looked awkward in ribbons and flounces. Instead she looked elegant, her lean body complemented by more severe tailoring, the waistcoat nipping in her slim waist and flaring over her narrow hips."
"She walked back and forth a bit, tipping her hat to imaginary ladies."
"“Can you come down, please?” “Of course,” Anna replied, already pulling at the ascot around her neck. “Coming!” Anna had to step right through her fallen dancing partner in her haste. Off with the waistcoat, the trousers. Everything off, off, off. She shoved the clothes into the bottom of her wardrobe. The discarded dress was hastily put back on, her fingers fumbling on the buttons."
"Several minutes later, she hurried downstairs, attempting to look composed. Her mother, Cecily Lightwood, was sifting through a stack of letters at her desk in the sitting room."
"“We must go. Can you keep an eye on Christopher while we are talking? Make sure he doesn’t set anything on fire. Or anyone.”
"“I’m so sorry for my lateness,” said a voice. In the doorway of the dining room stood a girl, probably Anna’s age, in a midnight-blue dress."
"“Ah,” the Inquisitor said. “This is our daughter, Ariadne."
"On that, she plucked up her napkin and turned to Anna and Christopher and smiled. “We have not met,” she said. Anna had to force herself to swallow, then to breathe. Ariadne was something beyond the realm of humanity or Shadowhunter. The Angel himself must have made her. “Anna Lightwood,” Anna said."
"“We have quite a good library,” she said to Anna. “Perhaps I could show it to you?”
"“My grandfather was a worm, if that’s what you mean,” Anna said. Ariadne laughed aloud. “You didn’t like him?” “I didn’t know him,” Anna said. “He was, quite literally, a worm.” Clearly, Ariadne didn’t know that much about the Lightwoods. Usually, when one’s demon-loving relative develops a serious case of demon pox and turns into a giant worm with massive teeth, word gets around. People will talk."
"Brother Zachariah moved through the crush of stalls, immune to the smells and the crowding. Many Downworlders drew back at the approach of the Silent Brother. He had been coming here for weeks now to meet Ragnor Fell."
"She sold colorful potions, and Matthew Fairchild had purchased one and given it to his mother. It had taken all of Jem’s efforts to bring Charlotte back from death’s door. She had not been the same since, nor had Matthew."
"Malcolm simply smiled. There was always something a little sad about Malcolm: Jem had heard gossip about a tragic love affair with a Shadowhunter who had chosen to be an Iron Sister rather than be with the one she loved."
"In the afternoon, she had plans to meet her cousins, James, Lucie, and Thomas, along with Matthew Fairchild. James, Matthew, Thomas, and Christopher were inseparable, and always meeting at a house or a hideout. They were invading her Aunt Sophie and Uncle Gideon’s home today."
"“How’s Cordelia?” she asked. “Oh, she’s wonderful! I was just writing to her quickly before Thomas helps me go over my Persian lesson.” Lucie was always writing to her future parabatai, Cordelia Carstairs. Lucie was always writing."
"Her soul soared with new confidence: she felt herself a gorgeous creature, neither a gentleman nor a lady. A gentlewoman, she thought, and winked at one of the only people she recognized: the werewolf Woolsey Scott, head of the Praetor Lupus."
"She had always known that she loved women the way she was expected to love men. That she found women beautiful and desirable, while men were good friends, brothers-in-arms, but nothing more. She had never pretended otherwise, and her close friends all seemed to accept this about her as a known."
"Ariadne was next to her, holding an electrum whip. Anna was surprised—the only other electrum whip she had ever seen was owned by the Consul, Charlotte Fairchild."
"“You were James Carstairs, the Shadowhunter who was addicted to yin fen. You were acquainted with Axel Mortmain, the one they called the Magister, I think? ” At the sound of Mortmain’s name, Jem lowered his staff. “Ah,” Leopolda said with a smile. “You remember dear Axel.” You knew him? “Quite well,” she said. “I know many things. I know a warlock helps run the Institute here, yes? Named Tessa Herondale."
"Standing on Blackfriars Bridge with Tessa on a cold January two years ago. The fear on her face. I do not want to trouble Will . . . but I worry so over Jamie and Lucie . . . James despairs of his eyes, calls them doorways into Hell, as if he hates his own face, his own bloodline. If I but knew who my demon father was, perhaps I could know, prepare them and myself . . . and Will."
"You are saying Tessa’s father was a Greater Demon? The Clave could never know. He could not tell them. His heart lurched. Could he tell Tessa? Would it be better for her to know, or not? “I am saying,” Leopolda said, “that he was a Prince of Hell."
"“Oh.” Inquisitor Bridgestock said, seeing Anna. “Miss Lightwood. How fortuitous. Do you know Charles Fairchild?” “Anna!” Charles said with a warm smile. “Yes, of course.” “Charles will be the interim head of the Paris Institute,” the Inquisitor said. “Oh,” Anna said. “Congratulations. Matthew didn’t tell me.”
"She set the blue box on the table and pushed it toward Anna. Inside the box was a necklace with a glimmering red gem. Latin words were etched onto the back. “For your protection,” she said. “You know what it does.” “It senses demons,” Anna said, astonished. "
Az aktuális rész megvásárolható június 12-től az Amazon oldalán is.
A következő rész megjelenése: Július 10-én várható Learn About Loss címmel.
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