Cassandra Clare - Sarah Rees Brennan - Cast Long Shadows értékelés

London, 1901. Zakariás Testvérnek az árnypiacon akad dolga, és meglátja Matthew Fairchildot, aki egy tündérrel beszélget…azt viszont nem tudja, hogy vesz is tőle majd valamit. igazságmondó szérum 
Ugyanis a szóbeszéd szerint Gideon Lightwood az apja, és nem Henry, akinek vörös haja van, vele ellentétben, neki aranyszőke haja. Az ügy végére akar járni Matthew. 
Matthew parabatai társa és jó barátja, James Herondale, vele, és a húgával Lucie-val hárman elválaszthatatlanok. 
Volt benne 1-2 vicces jelenet is, pl. amikor Matthew afelől érdeklődött, hogy hogy áll rajta a mellénye :D 
Viszont túl messzire ment az igazsághajszolásával, és komoly árat kellett fizetnie érte. :-( [[spoiler! 
Charlotte, Matthew édesanyjának a pogácsájára csepegtetett abból a vásárolt dologból az árnypiacon, és rosszul lett tőle, annyira, hogy Zakariás Testvért is ki kellett hívni hozzá! ]] Főleg, hogy kiderült, a családjukban volt még valaki, akinek ugyanilyen aranyszőke haja volt, mint most neki… Ráadásul Henry elmondta, hogy bővíteni szeretnék a családot, és hogy spoiler! [[ Charlotte várandós ]] [[ Végül életben maradt édesanyja, de a gyermeket elvesztette :-( ]] De ezt a bűnét még Jamesnek sem merte bevallani. Egyedül Zakariás Testvér tudta, hogy ő állt a dolgok mögött.


"Beneath the arches, crosses, and rattling rails, a mundane market was held by day, the largest association of grocers in the city. By night, the market belonged to the Downworld. Vampires and werewolves, warlocks and the fey, met under the stars and under glamour that human eyes could not pierce."

"He was Charlotte and Henry Fairchild’s younger son, Matthew Fairchild. His head was thrown back, his fair hair bright by firelight, and he was laughing."


"They all talk about you all the time in the London Institute,” Matthew confided. “James and Lucie and Uncle Will and Aunt Tessa too."


"“It is brutal,” Matthew agreed vehemently. The faerie woman looked almost sad. “You come of a brutal people, sweet child.” “Not me,” said Matthew. “I believe in art and beauty.”


“A pleasure, but I wish I had better news for you. Ah well. Bad news comes like rain and good news like lightning, barely seen before a crash.” A cheerful thought, said Brother Zachariah, his heart sinking. “I went to several sources about the information you asked for,” said Ragnor. “I have a lead, but I have to tell you—I was warned that this quest might prove fatal: that it has already proved fatal to more than one person. Do you truly want me to follow up on the lead?"


"When he had Tessa on the bridge that year, she had seemed concerned as she talked to him. It had been a gray day. The wind had blown her brown hair back from the face that trouble could touch as time could not. Sometimes it seemed like her face was all the heart he had left. He could not do much for her, but he had once promised to spend his life guarding her from the very wind from heaven. He intended to keep his word in that at least."


"James was in the window seat, his black head bent over—what a surprise!—a book. He looked up at the tap, and smiled."


"Uncle Will frequently gave dramatic readings from the book he was writing on the demon pox, which were very droll. Lucie did not show her writing around."


"Bless you, my Herondales,” said Matthew grandly, scrambling up from the floor and making Lucie his bow. “I come upon an urgent errand. Tell me—be honest!—what do you think of my waistcoat?” Lucie dimpled. “Devastating.” “What Lucie said,” James agreed peacefully. “Not fantastic?” Matthew asked. “Not positively stunning?”


"Early in the morning, Matthew unstoppered the faerie’s vial and tipped a drop in among the cranberries for his mama’s scones. The scones came out of the oven plump, golden, and smelling delicious. “You are the best boy in London,” said Cook, giving Matthew a kiss."


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A következő rész megjelenése: június 12-én várható Every Exquisite Thing címmel.


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