Muti, mit olvasol! | Február 3.0.

 Cameo Renae

Of ​Earth and Air 

- Heir of Blood and Fire 3.-

Pörögnek itt a lapok, kérem szépen! Továbbra is folytatom Calla kalandjait, már az Of Earth and Air-nél járok,  ami a 3. része a Heir of Blood and Fire-nek!


 Magánkiadás, 2021 

330 oldal · 



/£0.99 volt december 20-26 között még 2022-ben. /

Címkék: angol nyelvű, boszorkány, fantasy, paranormális romantikus, regény, romantikus, sorozat része, vámpír.


S P O I L E R az első két könyv történéseire!




Prince Roehl holds Calla’s fragile heart in his cruel hands. In a wicked twist of fate, Roehl captures the two men Calla loves most. By his command, she will come to him in Aquaris… or both will be put to death. It may be a fatal mistake, but that’s the risk Calla is willing to make when she leaves her friends behind and races through the Argent Sea

Roehl has proven his vile heart will stop at nothing to get Calla in his clutches and use her power for his own twisted agenda… even if it means killing all who dare cross him. Calla’s only chance to defeat him, is by partnering with newly formed allies who are eager as she to see the malicious prince’s reign of terror end.


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