Bex Hogan - Viper értékelés

Egyszerűen imádtam! Olyannyira, hogy mikor megtudtam, hogy az e-könyv változata potom 1 fontért elérhető, (KATT IDE érte! ) azt is megvettem, így mikor este már nem tudtam a könyvet olvasni, akkor elővettem a Kindle-t :D Így fejezettől fejezetig olvastam az egyiken, hogy könnyebben tudjam folytatni a másikon. :D 
Ami fontos: van benne térkép! Szeretem tudni, merre járnak kalandoraink. (Lásd lentebb)

Figyelem! Spoileres értékelés következik!!!

Captain Adler, a Viper vezetője, nagy bánatára a sors „csak” egy lánnyal áldotta meg, így Marianne-t akarja kiképezni utódaként. Egész életüket a Maiden hajón töltik, ritkán érnek partot. Apja rettenetesen gonosz, egy igazi gyilkológép, akit csak a hatalom érdekel. Célja érdekében képes a végletekig elmenni. 
Ám a lány a szöges ellentéte, és amikor a beavatásán meg kellene ölnie valakit, inkább elmenekül…. A hajón élő Grace, aki Adler Snake-je, is segít neki ebben. És mint később kiderül, Bronn is az ő pártját fogja, aki Alder jobbkeze. 
Főhősnőnk próbál egy teljesen új életet kezdeni, a The Foral Island lakói befogadják, és megtapasztalja, milyen egy valódi család. Joren munkát ad neki, cserébe a családjával élhet, (felesége, Clara eleinte gyanakvó volt vele szemben) és kap szállást, főtt ételt. A fiuk, Tomas egyből megkedveli az újdonsült vendégüket. Ám a boldogság nem tart soká, ugyanis apja keze elér hozzá, és megöleti Marianne fogadott családját. :( 

A hónapok keményen megedzették a lányt, és csak a bosszú vezéri. Ráadásul kiderül néhány fontos dolog a múltjából. Valójában a neve Mairin. Star of the Sea, a Vultura vérvonal leszármazottja. És kiderül, hogy Grace sem csak egy sima Snake a Viper csapatából. Ő ugyanis egykor a 12. sziget (nyugati) lakója volt, és ő a királyi vérvonal őrzője.Van egy ikertestvére, Jax, de rég külön utakon járnak, hogy nyomozzanak az utolsó élő leszármazott után.

Mindenképp ajánlom, és ez egy trilógia, szóval lesz még miért izgulni. Ó, és csak jövő tavasszal érkezik a folytatás...

Térkép *-* forrás


I didn't see a captain reprimanding a disobedient crewmember; I saw my father committing the murder of an unharmed man. And I'd cried. 
It was the wrong reaction.


I wonder for the hundredth time what Grace thinks of me. Seven years my senior, and the most respected of all the women abroad, she knows me better than anyone, has trained me in combat over the years, knows exactly what I'm capable of, is perfectly aware how much I hold back – and yet she says nothing.


You cannot ask.I cannot tell. You will pass or you will fail. That is the way.


I stare ahead, expecting a woman to appear from his ship, someone elegant and beautiful, calling sweet apologies for her lateness. But no one comes. And as my father turns to face me, a false smile upon his lips, I realise no one will. Because he means me.


The truth weighs me down like an anchor. This boat is a prison. I am my father’s captive. He will make me a killer or he will have me killed. And I have always known this.


I remember the way she’d behaved oddly the day I got engaged, when I suggested putting my hair up, and wonder if that’s why.
‘Lots of people have birthmarks.’
‘True. But only a few bear the mark of the crescent moon.’


Grace doesn't mention Bronn at all, and I'm too scared to ask about him.


Every known member of the Western royalty has borne the mark of the crescent moon.’


A long time ago, it was easy to see which island people belonged to. Those from the Second had an earthy complexion, their skin ruddy from the farming their island is famous for, while the Fourth islanders were as alluring as their flowers. Those that raised livestock on the vast plains of the Fifth were sturdy pale souls, like their beasts, while the inhabitants of the Sixth Isle were as intimidating and as hard as the rocks they mined. The Third islanders always kept a low profile – even now they don’t attend the market, preferring to use couriers to bring their goods – but their skin was as dark as the trees they carved.


His face told tales of adventure and hardship. Of secrets and lies. Of sadness and regret. Until it stopped saying anything at all, its stories as lost as our friendship.


You're Western royalty?' Torin actually has to sit down.
'It's a tiny, slight possibilty,' I concede.
He shakes his head. 'You bear the mark,' he says, and it's disconcerting to hear him sound awestruck.
'It's more than a slight possibility.' He rubs his stubble, deep in thought.
'This changes everything. An alliance between land and the sea was one thing, but this? This would be an alliance between East and West. The restoration of the Twelve isles.'


Now we both laugh, but then it doesn't seem funny any more. We're breathing hard from our exertion; I can feel his chest rising next to mine. I drink in his beautiful face, so lived-in, so familiar. I've loved him for ever and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
I kiss him. His lips are soft, his breath mingling with mine, and we're both hesitant, knowing we shouldn't, knowing we will, and then he's kissing me back harder, one hand in my hair, the other on my waist, and I melt into him.


‘Scared?’ I say, wanting to taunt him. ‘Of you, Marianne? You don’t have what it takes.’ My foot rests on a cutlass that’s fallen from a dead man’s grasp, and I flick it up and catch it, holding it in my left hand. Now I’m the one with two weapons. ‘My name is Mairin of the house of Vultura. Star of the Sea. And I have exactly what it takes.’


As the last birds go home to roost, Bronn breaks the silence.
‘So I’ve been meaning to ask, do I call you “majesty” or “captain” now?’
‘I think . . . both.’ He laughs.
‘You’ll want me to salute and curtsy next.’
‘But of course.’


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